Dlux Fab is proud to introduce our all new NOD-24 micro transmission.
Fits SCX24 and AX24 platform.
Competition grade.
Incredibly lightweight.
Aluminum body with open design. Don't worry, these gears eat trail debris for breakfast.
Motor relocated much lower for lower center of gravity.
Carbon fiber motor plate.
Motor placement is adjustable higher or lower as needed to clear any combination of upper link location, pinion size, and motor size. This means you can set the motor as low as possible for your specific setup.
Designed for rear facing motor (to allow room for front battery placement). Can be mounted motor forward with some simple modifications.
2.68:1 ratio with 32 tooth, .3 mod spur gear.
32 tooth, .3 mod spur gear provides greatly increased wheel speed while still having great low speed control for competition crawling, and plenty of torque for bound up tires.
Designed for the Furitek Micro Komodo sized motors (medium diameter), all smaller motors will fit, any motor length will fit, large diameter motors will not fit. The Micro Komodo is 15.75mm around by 20.5mm long ** LAEGER MOTORS WILL NOT FIT
Includes Dlux spec. SAF style gears:
Heat treated alloy steel.
Lightened to the absolute maximum.
Integrated input/output shafts for the ultimate in strength.
Attractive black surface coating.
The included Delrin skid is available in two options:
*Comp style - without upper link mounts * requires aftermarket chassis with upper link mounts, such as the MW Spider, or MW scaler C1, C2*
*With upper link mounts - This can be used as a direct replacement in your scx24
**Motors like the normal Komodo, Injora Viper, or other "pancake" style motors will not work**
Weight: 8.5G transmission, or 10.5G with either skid plate.