Dlux Fab: Power Up Your R/C Crawler
Rock crawlers, take notice! Dlux Fab is your one-stop shop for the highest-performance R/C crawler parts and kits. We cater to enthusiasts of all levels, from hobbyists building their dream machines to seasoned competitors pushing the limits. Unleash superior flexibility, unbeatable durability, and championship-winning performance with Dlux Fab components.
Loaded dice add on weights.
These weights need to attach to Dlux knuckles and also only work inside a Loaded dice wheel. You must have both the Dlux weights and the Dlux loaded dice wheels to make these work
Brass version (heavier and more expensive) as seen in the Berg section Dlux Berg Build I believe these weights came in close to 6oz full of tungsten.
3D Printed Version- These also can be installed facing in or out with no grinding or modification necessary. These are our lowest cost option.
Each purchase includes 2 hangers, if tungsten is added you will receive 16 slugs installed.
.300 thick brass outer ring. This thing weighs a full 1.7oz by itself and should get you really close to 8.5oz fully loaded with the brass holders and full tungsten weights.
Check the instructions below or check out this YouTube video
Another great video showing the assembly of the wheels.